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Vinod Mehta
MBA Finance
Profession / Expertise
IT executive with 20+ years of experience in financial services and
information technology
Help individuals with wealth creation journey and retirement plan along
with the analysis of their assets and liabilities
Analysis of business financial for new investment / acquisitions, sell off
Mentor start up focused on tech and finance
Past experience
20 years of experience in financial services industry.
Currently working with IBM since 2008 and managing a large competency and delivery team in financial services.
Worked with GE capital subsidiaries for 7 years
Worked for a steel manufacturing; managed finance including working capital and long term borrowings.
Notable Achievements
Achievement 1:
Advised 3 startups under the IBM volunteer program
Achievement 2:
Guest lectures at National Insurance Academy (NIA), Pune and Institute of Insurance of Risk Management (IIRM), Hyderabad.